
XM7'(DASH) v1.2L12

XM7'(DASH) v1.2L12 is released. XM7' is an eXcellent fujitsu Micro seven emulator for 7 platforms.

XM7'(DASH) v1.2L12 Changelog:
- Add (DEBUG) BASIC mode to boot mode for FM-8 mode.
- Except some of the capabilities of the already implemented in preceding XM7dash, and integrate code of L52a V1.1L52 official version.
- In connection with this, different issues when compiling with Microsoft Visual C + + 2010 Express + Microsoft DirectX SDK.
- Arrangement (the process itself is unchanged) the source of around FDC
- Change (the process itself is unchanged) from type int to type BOOL return value of a function around bubble cassette
- Modify the shortcut key of memory to search dialog did not display.
- Experiments on scalability ostensibly around resource DLL (no change ^ ^ ;)
- Slightly modified arrangement of the version information dialog.

Download: XM7'(DASH) v1.2L12
Source: Here


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