
XM7'(DASH) v1.2L14

XM7'(DASH) v1.2L14 is released. XM7' is an eXcellent fujitsu Micro seven emulator for 7 platforms.

XM7'(DASH) v1.2L14 Changelog:
V1.2L13 → L14, V3.4/V2.9L52aR130409 → R130423 Changes-more points list で is.
nn cloth holds Code external drawing _ or the body Hikaru Tatari DLL uses ni thermal Size 1.5 times Full 960 × 600 black Daicel se ru Mode cloth the additional を.
PSG the external audio DLL the renewable expands te iru and ki ni of action set the audio volume setting But reflect slightly te Kei na ka ta problem correction.
External sound source DLL to Full GetBuffer ni serving Applied. Serving Applied DLL side, it expands the te Kei slightly FM audio D su pre-Rei Full Toray Bell mail Tatari built audio expressed the same specifications ni possible.
External sound source DLL But, CSM ni% of Applied expands te Kei starting it occasions (fmgen.dll etc.) the Cash co nn to flow Hikaru ni serving Applied in.
Ni su Te Suites Ritz ji Rue Rousseau ON expands te Oh, mini Rue Toray Tatari start ni complex kaesa su ru su Te Suites But, VM stop state the da ta occasions ni screen ga complex kaesa expands starting it correction.

Download: XM7'(DASH) v1.2L14
Source: Here


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