
HDNes (2013/05/16)

EmuCR: HDNesHDNes (2013/05/16) is released. HDNes is a Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) emulator.

HDNes (2013/05/16) Changelog:
Added a function to handle palette swaps if not using auto generate. If you have a sequence of tiles with the same palette and that sequence of tile also have the same palette swaps, then you can use this function to simplify the process.

First, make sure your HD renderings of the same palette are stored in the same image file. The same tile in different palettes must be placed in the same location relative to the first tile of that palette. Then add tile mapping for the first palette as usual. After that, click the 'Batch mapping' to open a dialog box. Select the image file of the first palette and select the first tile and the last tile of the sequence. Then select the new palette, the image file of the new palette and the location of the first tile within the image file. Click 'Add mappings' and the program will add mappings to the new palette for all the tiles between the first and the last, using the new location of the first tile as reference.

Download: HDNes (2013/05/16)


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