
Raine v0.62.2

RaineRaine v0.62.2 is released. RAINE is an Emulator for Arcade games. Raine is a M68000 and M68020 arcade game emulator. Raine emulates some M68000 and M68020 arcade games and is mainly focused on Taito and Jaleco games hardware. It started as an experiment with the Rainbow Islands romset, dumped by Aracorn/Romlist. Raine can emulate many nice games now, and new games (previously unemulated) are appearing weekly.

Raine v0.62.2 Changelog:
Thanks mainly to my new bug hunter, silvertrix ! Well he finds them and I fix them, but he really found a lot, even if some are just about old stuff which won't improve before long. See the sticky topic about bugs in the raine section of the forum if you are interested about the long list of what was fixed.

Except that for neogeo, if you tested 0.62 and got a red message about protection (telling that your mvs board is a copy), then you should delete the neogeo.saveram in your savedata folder. This happened if running for the 1st time one of the kof games in arcade mode. This is fixed now, but since the game will not test again if the test failed once, you need to remove the file, or install raine in a new dir.

Also the -listinfo/-gameinfo command line option is finally reliable, and I added -li to type less for the same result (useful for dat utilities), and a stupid crash when loading a 2nd neogeo game is fixed.

That's all for this time !

Download: Raine v0.62.2 (Windows binary)
Source: Here


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