
HyperLaunchHQ v1.0.11.0

EmuCR: HyperLaunchHyperLaunchHQ v1.0.11.0 is released. HyperLaunchHQ is the GUI for HyperLaunch. HyperLaunch is a compiled script that handles the launching of emulators via HyperSpin. The Official compiles of HyperLaunch include the compiled (HyperLaunch.exe) and the raw HyperLaunch.ahk. Just place the HyperLaunch.exe into your HyperSpin directory and overwrite your old one. The .ahk file is included for you to edit and compile your own version using AutoHotKey.

HyperLaunchHQ v1.0.11.0 Changelog:
* Added module file location to the Module Info panel
* Added new ini keys : Keymapper_AHK_Method and Fade_Out_Extra_Screen
* Added support for configuring HyperPause's History menu settings
* Added support for all the new HyperPause keys (except bezel/instruction cards)
* WinTitle button will now only be enabled when a game is selected in the table (module settings form)
* Added button to launch games directly from within the module settings form in order to make testing your settings easier
* Fixed a bug where audit wasn't running for databases with a single game
* Fixed a bug where the WinTitle text box would still get updated even if the user cancelled the process
* Added the ability to be able to edit your database files from within HLHQ using your configured text editor
* Added support for custom named xpadder profiles for keymapper

Download: HyperLaunchHQ v1.0.11.0
Source: Here


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