
XRoar v0.30

XRoar v0.30 is released. XRoar is a Dragon emulator for Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, GP32, Nintendo DS and Windows. Due to hardware similarities, XRoar also emulates the Tandy Colour Computer (CoCo) models 1 & 2.

XRoar v0.30 Changelog:
Minimal CoCo BASIC printing support using ROM intercept.
* Fix SAM clock stretching on slow/fast transition.
* New -default-machine option.
* New -machine-cart option specifies default cart per machine.
* Successive files on command line attached intelligently.
* New -ao-device option supported by ALSA, OSS, Pulse and Sun.
* New -debug-fdc option selects FDC debug options (-1 for all).
* New -debug-file option selects file loading debug options (-1 for all).
* New machine and ROM definitions for Dynacom MX-1600 (CoCo clone).
* Add "pause switch". Pause key in SDL & GTK+ UIs toggles.
* Sound MUX levels and single-bit sound interaction improved.
* HD6309: some behaviour verified.
* VDG: 6847T1 emulated, selectable with -vdg-type. Default for CoCo.
* Fix printing on Dragon 32.
* Automatically extend virtual disks on write.
* Shift+F12 latches the rate limit toggle.
* Revamped joystick handling, added mouse interface.
* Fixed PAL CoCo video timing.
* GDB target support. A patched GDB supporting 6809 is recommended.
* Recognise .ccc as a cartridge ROM image extension.
* Many more menu items in Mac OS X user-interface.
* Support the Orchestra 90-CC cartridge.
* New -ao-channels option.
* New -config-print option.

EmuCR: XRoar

Download: XRoar v0.30 Windows (32-bit)
Download: XRoar v0.30 Windows (64-bit)
Source: Here


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