
Kale's WIP - Hyper Pipe X (2013/12/14)

Got basic understanding about how the 3d pipeline works in Hyper Neo Geo 64. Basically it was an irq issue (one unimplemented irq is needed at FIFO processed) plus some other things like swap / clear buffer that were hooked up in the previous update.

Fatal Fury Wild Ambition

EmuCR: Kale's WIP - Hyper Pipe X
EmuCR: Kale's WIP - Hyper Pipe XI’ve kludged Puzzle Star to work for now (couldn’t be bothered more) and marked it as working. Next up is adding horizontal scroll to V9958 (used by some MSX2+ games like Space Manbow).

Source: Here


  1. Nice! Keep up the awesome work! So this is the Mame driver and not a stand alone emulator right?

  2. it 'd be nice if it was a stand alone emu, like that pizza delivery one that looked sooooo much better than the mame version


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