
MacFCEU v0.8a8

MacFCEU v0.8a8 is released. MacFCEU is a Mac OS X port of FCE Ultra. A Mac OS-specific port of FCE Ultra 0.98.13 - an NES/Famicon emulator. Classic and Carbon are supported exclusively.

MacFCEU 0.8a8


**** Mac OS Classic build only ***
The Carbon build is omitted due to the inability to test it.
For accurate (or fairly) Classic emulation, try Basilisk II, either a modern
version (for faster systems) or build 143 (for older).

Current features include: NSFe support, a PPU tile viewer, a customized speed
option, a command line-interfaced debugger with a C-like expression parser.

Recent changes include:
Lower system requirements (couldn't go any lower than OS 7.0).
High-sample rate sound on more Mac OS systems (real or emulated).
Bug fixes and optimizations.
Better real-time playback and smoother sound w. quadruple buffering.
MMC5 high CHR bank storage.
Ability to select an individual file within a Zip archive (list window).
Added volume settings for all emulated expansion hardware.
Updated the disassembler, but mostly the assembler.
Fixed FME/N163 addressing conflict.
Put PPU scanline (L#) and pixel address (@#) on Debugger sidebar.
Fixed breakpoint and command line bugs (e.g., using en-dash as minus).

The 6502/10 assembler is ready for general use, and supports most formats,
some special keywords and preprocessing directives, including .if[[n]def],
.define and .undef. Procedure management moves all .proc code to the end.

The miniunz code for the ZLib library was also updated (earlier) to process
MACOSX resource forks.

- See the Changelog for more details.

==== Minimal Requirements ====

System 7.0 or later (7.5.5+ recommended)
A 68020 or better - over 200 MHz for real time performance.
(Some carts and NSFs are more demanding.)
2700KB of RAM (Largest Unused Block), preset to 4 MB/3 MB


Download: MacFCEU v0.8a8
Source: Here


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