
puNES v0.86

EmuCR: puNESpuNES v0.86 is released. puNES is a NES emulator. Currently the program supports mappers 0, MMC1, UNROM, CNROM, and the sound is available. It uses the SDL libraries and it works on both Linux and Windows.

puNES v0.85 Changelog
Added sample rate of 48 kHz.
Doubled the overall volume level.
Starting to implement the UNIF (NROM, NROM-128, NROM-256, Sachen-74LS374N, A65AS) format and the Nes 2.0.
Fixed obscure bug that occurred when the code was executed from RAM (Tetris 2 + BomBliss (J) [!].nes now works fine).
Fixed all the bugs with the mapper 31 (2A03 Puritans works well now).

Download: puNES v0.86 for win32
Download: puNES v0.86 for win64
Source: Here


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