
Big Blue (2014/06/16)

Big Blue (2014/06/16) is released. Big Blue is a frontend for any command line program (MAME or any game) that works on any setup. You can use it with an arcade cabinet with a 15khz arcade monitor or a desktop computer with a 3840x2160 monitor.

What's unique about this frontend is that the frontend itself is a video game. Player 1 and 2 can fight each other to determine who gets to select the game.

See Big Blue in action here:

Big Blue's night theme:

* FREE! Source code available on request; let me know if you find problems or want to make improvements
* Fully playable mini-game built into the frontend; George and R9-A fight each other for control over the game selection
* Supports any program that you can run from the command line; if you can run it from the command line, you can launch it from Big Blue
* Easy and simple game list configuration that won't have to be changed continually with each new version of an emulator
* Runs at any resolution or aspect ratio (320x240 all the way up to 3840x2160 have been tested)
* Theme that changes depending on the time of day
* Pixel shader effects
* Full sound and music
* Built-in screensaver with a configurable timer
* Ability to shutdown or restart computer when exiting the frontend
* Configurable frontend controls

Big Blue Changelog::
Fixed second building crack sound effect not firing during the shutdown sequence
Always center the selected category/game in the lists
Asynchronously load game lists so that there's no stutter when you select one
Big Blue configuration utility can now read MAME's list XML output
New interface for adding games from MAME
Added migration feature that lets you move Big Blue entries from one location to another

Fixed snapshot not resetting after a 2 player game
Improved config UI scroll behavior

Added new shutdown/restart sequence to give people time to decide whether they really want to shut down or restart their machine
Added support for game lists; you can now have multiple lists, but you can still configure Big Blue to work with only a single list if you want to keep it simple
Big Blue now allows you to configure programs to run both before the main game is launched and after the main game is launched
Dropped support for Windows XP; GroovyMAME works in Windows 7 now; I wanted to do some asynchronous coding for Big Blue's game lists, and there's no reason to cripple the program for a busted, out-of-date OS
Added GUI configuration utility to maintain Big Blue

Download: Big Blue (2014/06/16)
Source: Here


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