
Cxbx Git (2014/07/14)

EmuCR:Xbox EmulatorsCxbx Git (2014/07/14) is compiled. Cxbx is an Xbox emulator for the Microsoft Windows operating system developed by a group of programmers led by a hacker named Caustik and written in the C++ programming language. Cxbx's goal is to convert a game from an Xbox executable to a native Windows executable.

Cxbx Git Changelog:
* Merge pull request #13 from Echelon9/fix-issue-12
Address Issue #12 - Improve emulated Direct3DDevice::Clear() calls when render target does not have an attached depth buffer
* Address Issue #12 - Improve emulated Direct3DDevice::Clear() calls when render target does not have an attached depth buffer

Download: Cxbx Git (2014/07/14)
Source: Here


  1. Hi
    Do not bother
    do your experience is using in xbox emulator is used in xbox 360 emulator or not ?
    case,Please share your experiences with xbox 360 emulator group.

  2. still doesn't run anything.

  3. Trying To Run : Dino Crisis 3
    Windows 7 x64
    EmuMain (Keeps Changing): Received Fatal Message: *Could not set LDT entries
    (0xEB0) & (0x4E0) & (0x848) and So On

    1. Got the same issue, trying to run Jet Set Radio Future... Anybody got a solution for that ?!


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