
LaunchBox v3.4

EmuCR: LaunchBox LaunchBox v3.4 is released. LaunchBox is a relatively easy to set up frontend for DOSBox. It has plenty of options and is very pleasing to the eyes.

EmuCR: LaunchBox
New features for the actual app include an Options dialog with some quick debugging options for games, new Version and Game Manual fields, and even further optimizations that yet again significantly speed up the application.

LaunchBox v3.4 Changelog:
- New Feature: Web games can now be added to LaunchBox; simply put the web address (URL) in the Application Path field
- New Feature: There's a new option to "Refresh All Images" under the Tools menu. This is useful if you've manually changed or swapped out images or configurations outside of LaunchBox and need to force-update the image cache.
- Improvement: RAM usage has been drastically reduced by tweaking the image caching approach. Large libraries should no longer cause memory issues.
- Improvement: Zoom in/out menu items and shortcuts have been added to the View menu
- Fixed: The MS-DOS Game Installation Wizard would crash when adding a game that was already installed
- Fixed: Release dates from TheGamesDB.net were not populating properly for some culture settings
- Fixed: On occasion, music that was auto-played would not stop when launching a game

Download: LaunchBox v3.4
Source: Here


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