
LaunchBox v3.7

EmuCR: LaunchBox LaunchBox v3.7 is released. LaunchBox is a relatively easy to set up frontend for DOSBox. It has plenty of options and is very pleasing to the eyes.

EmuCR: LaunchBox
New features for the actual app include an Options dialog with some quick debugging options for games, new Version and Game Manual fields, and even further optimizations that yet again significantly speed up the application.

LaunchBox v3.7 Changelog:
- New Feature: Support for searching Wikipedia is finally here! You can enable or disable Wikipedia or TheGamesDB.net searches in the Options dialog.
- New Feature: The sidebar now has controller support
- Improvement: The included ScummVM version has been upgraded to 1.7.0
- Improvement: LaunchBox now shows a friendly error message when it is run from a folder without the necessary file permissions
- Improvement: LaunchBox now shows a friendly error message when the LaunchBox.xml file is corrupted
- Improvement: LaunchBox no longer forces you to close the application when an unexpected error occurs; closing and restarting is still recommmended, however
- Fixed: Sidebar filters were using a "contains" search instead of an "equals" search, which was causing confusing results (such as PlayStation 2 games showing up for PlayStation, etc.)
- Fixed: Depending on configuration, a crash could occur on startup due to the caching system
- Fixed: Options dialog max RAM usage was not updating the number
- Fixed: The context menu wasn't showing in the right spot when using a controller
- Fixed: Controllers allowed you to scroll past the end of the games list
- Fixed: Keyboard/controller navigation was not working properly in the new Options dialog
- Fixed: The Alt key now properly opens the menu in full screen mode

Download: LaunchBox v3.7
Source: Here


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