
Play! Git (2015/02/09)

EmuCR: Play!Play! Git (2015/02/09) is complied. Play! is an attempt at creating an emulator for the PlayStation 2 (PS2) console on the Windows platform. It is currently written in C/C++. It uses an instruction caching/recompilation scheme to achieve better performance while emulating the CPU.

Play! Git Changelog:
* Use proper path for PsfAot executable in gather script.
* Updated bzip2 project path.
* Updated PsfPlayer to use unrarsrc-5.2.5.
* Fixed PsfPlayer build.
* Added basic support for SPU interrupts.
* Make sure destination addresses for CD read operations are physical.
* Added LIBSD module stub for easier debugging.
* Added support for V2-8 unpack mode.
* Added support for FCEQ.
* Updated SW2 tags.
* Translate SP before gathering call stack.
* EnableIntc and DisableIntc now return proper values.
* Added iClearEventFlag

EmuCR: Play!

Download: Play! Git (2015/02/09) x86
Download: Play! Git (2015/02/09) x64
Source: Here


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