
PS3 Game List v3.3

EmuCR: PS3 Game ListPS3 Game List v3.3 is released. PS3 Game List is a application that allows you to manage your list of PS3 games. It started out as a demo to test the Qt Framework functionality, but it evolved into a full feature C++ app. It allows users to download game updates.

EmuCR: PS3 Game List

PS3 Game List v3.3 Changelog:
Support for both OSX/64 and Linux/64;
ISO9660 file system image support (users can both create and load ISO images (CDFS and UDF 2.50) of games in their library; data stored as an ISO image will not be editable; an icon will overlay both avatar and background image in order to differentiate the entry from standard game folders, and the tooltip will display additional info about the volume; note that ISO images do not follow the ‘folder depth’ configuration, just have them stored at the root of a directory and they will be loaded as a regular game folder);
Support for PDF file format (users can export their game list to a predetermined PDF format, useful for quickly browsing through the game library);
Option to copy game update URLs to clipboard;
Redesigned ‘About’ screen to display app change log;
Fixed text truncation issue while exporting a game list that contained Unicode characters;
Fixed issue when clearing game list while downloading updates;
Fixed missing info while displaying ISO data;
Built with the latest major release of Qt, OpenSSL and compiler for improvements in speed, security and size.

Download: PS3 Game List v3.3
Source: Here


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