
Virtual T v1.7

EmuCR: Virtual TVirtual T v1.7 is released. Virtual T is a TRS-80 Model 100/102/200 emulator that runs on Windows, Linux, and Macintosh. The goal of Virtual T is to provide 100% hardware emulation so any existing programs will run. It also adds powerful development and debugging tools.

Virtual T v1.7 Changelog:
1. Fixed bug with deleting a .CO file where the deletion length wasn't including
the 6-byte CO header, causing memory corruption.
2. Fixed the IDE Editor's undo function.
3. Made the IDE's undo local to each file vs. being a global entity. This allows
undo to be specific to the file being edited.
4. Fixed a bug in the linker to detect link addresses that are out of range.
5. Added TDock Video emulation support (and TDock I/O general processing).
6. Started adding documentation for the IDE / Assembler / Linker.
7. Updated the GNUMakefile to include libjpeg and libpng.
8. Added support for Steve Adolph's QUAD Model 100 128K Banked RAM module.
9. Added right-click menu support to easily change QUAD bank when enabled.
10. Updated linker so it back annotates listing files with actual addresses
determined during the link step.
11. Made updates to the assembler to push unresolved equations into the object
file and added an equation evaluation function to the linker. This allows
the linker to resolve addresses that consist of a relocatable address
location (i.e. label) embedded in an equation, such as Label+12h.
12. Added support in Linker Script for segment addresses based on known symbol
values (e.g. from an absolute address in an ASEG) and also using simple
equations involving basic math (+ - / *).
13. Modified the IDE's Find Dialog so that when it doesn't find the requested
text, it displays the error message in the Find Dialog instead of using
the FLTK fl_alert routine. Using the fl_alert causes the main VirtualT
emulation window to come into focus instead of the IDE window, plus showing
the error in the Find Dialog box provides opportunity to modify the search.
14. Modified the non-T200 LCD emulation routines when in 2.4Mhz emulaiton mode
to more closely reflect the actual delay introduced by the LCD hardware.
15. Updated IDE Tab control to deal with more tabs than can fit on the window.
Tabs are now clipped and a "More Files" icon is displayed to allow selection
of off-screen open file windows.
16. Added linker script PRELINK and POSTLINK processing to allow defining symbols
based on #if / #else / #endif C preprocessor style statements. Also added
ability to display link messages using "echo" for displaying things like
program sizes and addresses, etc.
17. Added support for NUM lock key so T200 Calculator will work.

EmuCR: Virtual T

Download: Virtual T v1.7
Source: Here


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