
ZXSP v0.8.0 Pre25

ZXSP v0.8.0 Pre25 is released. zxsp is a simulator for the historic Sinclair ZX home computer families for Mac OS X. zxsp simulates the black&white models ZX80 and ZX81, the Jupiter Ace, the ZX Spectrum models with 16K and 48K ram, the Spanish clone from Inves, the +128, +2, and the +2A/+2B including the Spanish and French localised versions.

ZXSP v0.8.0 Pre25 Changelog:
Fixed bugs
- Kempston mouse interface: Mouse grabbing & tracking did no longer work in Qt 5.x
- Investigated and fixed audio interrupt drop-outs (thanks, Apple!)
- Investigated and fixed paintEvent() overpainting child widgets in Qt 5.4 (thanks, Qt!)
- Investigated regular unusually long interrupt runtime: WLAN-internet bridge! (thanks, Apple!)
- Instand loading crashed at end of tape if tape was "running"
- Inves could not load from tape recorder
- Crash when accessing beyond allocated tracks of floppy, e.g. on empty side
- Save tape utterly broken, crashed in CSW buffer decoding

Download: ZXSP v0.8.0 Pre25
Source: Here


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