
QuickPlay v4.1.1

EmuCR: QuickPlayQuickPlay v4.1.1 is released. QuickPlay is a powerful universal emulator frontend, which has support for countless emulators and systems. QuickPlay is written in Delphi 2006 and is released under a BSD license which means its free AND you can take the source code and do whatever you want with it, as long as you leave our names in it somewhere.

QuickPlay v4.1.1 Changelog:
* Multiloader patched for Changes in DeamonTools v10
* Added the project's changelog
* Fixed long-standing bug with multiloader imp
* Multiloader code exposed - compiled multiloader got too annoying. Users can now change live
* Multiloader adapted for DTlite v9 major-version change
* exe from loader bat recompiled
* ini and readme for batch updated to reflect changes
* batch loader altered to allow user extraction path
* source code files live with their assets to be useful
* removed 'original homepage' link from help menu
* Reinstated manual update check in help menu

EmuCR: QuickPlay

Download: QuickPlay v4.1.1
Source: Here


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