
MAME Git (2015/07/12)

MAMEMAME Git (2015/07/12) is compiled. MAME stands for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator. When used in conjunction with images of the original arcade game's ROM and disk data, MAME attempts to reproduce that game as faithfully as possible on a more modern general-purpose computer. MAME can currently emulate several thousand different classic arcade video games from the late 1970s through the modern era.

MAME Git Changelog:
* Merge pull request #254 from system11b/S11jumping18
Corrected CPU clock for jumping (non copyright) + close last duel bug
* Removed comment about visible area in lastduel.c - verified with PCBs
Jumping bootleg (non copyright version, larger boardset) confirmed to use 18.432mhz crystal for CPU. Not sure on Seyutu split ROM version until one is found again.
* Fix initialization for zaxxonb. Now plays again (nw)
* make it clear that these are from patent listings
* verified protection data on gaialast [system11]
new WORKING game
Gaia - The Last Choice of Earth [David Haywood, system11]
* give firehawkv a larger ROM space, documented horizontal / vertical switch (there are basically 2 versions of the program in the program roms the part it runs depends on a dipswitch)
note, vertical mode still doesn't work as we have no dumps of the gfx roms used by that mode, the horizontal roms from firehawk seem to work for the horizontal mode.
* Fixed 6 validation errors.
* travis: run validate after compiling
* Added two more models to netlist:
OPAMP: Generic opamp model. This does all the annoying calculations.
Just pass the the datasheet values.
LVCCS: A limited current voltage control current source. This will allow
slew rate limiting going forward.
In addition:
- add a (small) parallel conductance to all capacitors to improve
- some initial work to use "long double".

Download:MAME Git (2015/07/12) x86
Download:MAME Git (2015/07/12) x64
Source: Here


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