
PeteOpenGL2Tweak (2015/07/13)

PeteOpenGL2Tweak (2015/07/13) is released. PeteOpenGL2Tweak is is a PSEMU Pro compatible plug-in that patches PeteOpenGL2 plugin on runtime.

Current tweaks include:
- Fixed automatic VRAM detection
- Possible to force VSYNC
- Hide mouse cursor
- Adds GTE Accuracy hack by edgbla (Blade_Arma)

Tomb Raider 3:
PCSXR w/ GTE Widescreen hack + PeteOpenGL2, non-tweaked:

PCSXR w/ GTE Widescreen hack + PeteOpenGL2Tweak w/ GTE Accuracy hack:

Resident Evil 2:
PCSXR w/ GTE Widescreen hack + PeteOpenGL2, non-tweaked:

PCSXR w/ GTE Widescreen hack + PeteOpenGL2Tweak w/ GTE Accuracy hack:
NOTE: There is some misalignment in 3D polygon graphic and prerendered backgrounds when GTE Widescreen hack is active in PCSXR.

You are welcome to like it or hate it

Copy gpuPeteOpenGL2Tweak.dll to plugins directory, then run emulator and select "PeteOpenGL2 Tweaks 1.0" as gpu plugin.

Configuration file is: inis\gpuPeteOpenGL2Tweak.ini, all options can be only turn on or off so there is not much to configure, by default FixMemoryDetection and EnableVsync are off.

PeteOpenGL2Tweak (2015/07/13) Changelog:
– AddxBRZ Texture Scaler
– Updated pad plugin hack
– Fixed pooling bug.
– Added ability to run pad plugins configuration dialog by using « Test » button in GPU plugin select dialog.

Download: PeteOpenGL2Tweak (2015/07/13)
Source: Here


  1. hi,good job blade arma,im waiting for TWISTED METAL 2 DARKTOOH HEAD jeje.


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