
PS4EMX POC Alpha v0.1

EmuCR: PS4EMXPS4EMX POC Alpha v0.1 is released. PS4EMX POC Alpha is a project to create a PS4 emulator/virtual machine that can run on Windows, and later additional operating systems and platforms. It's a working binary proof of concept for PS4EMX's GUI/frontend on Windows, a work-in-progress project aimed at eventually emulating the PS4 and providing virtualization, as well to run PS4 games and related-software on your non-PS4 devices. Source does not contain the GUI's complete code, as it's part of a .cpp file that hasn't be committed yet. And yes, the GUI is still buggy when trying to load a firmware image (WIP also not committed). The program will crash with all other functions/not work.

Some of the features that will likely be implemented in the future:
Supports emulation mode and full virtualization mode.
Ability to map emulated memory to secondary-storage, so computers will little RAM can still replicate PS4 RAM in emulation mode.
Dynamic recompiler for PS4 shader code to native shader code on the target GPU.
The ability to compile a PS4 game to an almost exact native binary with some intermediate code for the target OS, with little software compatibility layers needed to support some code peculiarities.
Run Orbis OS and PS4 games alongside Windows and other operating systems.

Download: PS4EMX POC Alpha v0.1
Source: Here


  1. You should probably remove this, it's fake.

    1. Don't bother. emucr team rarely read our message.. Maybe once in a long time. I do not know if it is fake or not. Do you have a proof without assumption ?

    2. нет это не подделка !

    3. @Anonymous

  2. The author of this emu is asking donations on github for this emu, yeah right...

    I hope no one is dumb enough to donate any money for an early project like this one which is no doubt a fake emu.

    1. Well, Project64 is asking donations as well. GLideN64 developer is asking donations for N64 plugins to use in Mupen64 and Project64 (Not sure if its compatible) but anyway... Yes, some emulator team asked for donations.

    2. Project64 already run most of the games so yeah, they can ask for donations because that emulator is pretty damn compatible.

      This one on the other hand is still in early development and is probably a fake emu.

  3. I agree with Zabuzax.... if it was a confirmed and maturing emu then yes maybe to boost them along as PJ64 and so on did. But any joe-shmoe can make a git hub or any webpage and ask for donations and never touch the software. or at least pretend they are to keep milking the cow.

  4. Very true. You are maybe right. Guess emucr team didn't bother to read it and deleted it. Oh well.


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