
GLideN64 Git (2015/09/21)

EmuCR: GLideN64GLideN64 Git (2015/09/21) is compiled. GLideN64 is a new generation, open-source graphics plugin for N64 emulators

GLideN64 Git Changelog:
* Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/gonetz/GLideN64
* Fix bug in FrameBufferList::saveBuffer :
corrent end address for auxiliary buffer only if it was not corrected by correctHeight().
* Correct FrameBufferList::saveBuffer :
disable draw to FBO if new buffer can't be saved because of wrong buffer size
* Correct FrameBufferList::correctHeight() :
do not change buffer if new buffer height is the same as the current one.
* Revert "Correct frame buffer end address calculation in FrameBufferList::saveBuffer."
Seems to be not needed anymore.
This reverts commit bb6a9b35495cd3710f48c4c14f35033f5e8fed8f.

EmuCR: GLideN64

Download: GLideN64 Git (2015/09/21)
Source: Here


  1. Project64 crashes as soon as you start a game or when you try to configure this video plugin.

    The problem and the solution are described here: https://github.com/gonetz/GLideN64/issues/696


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