
uoYabause v0.1.14

EmuCR: uoYabauseuoYabause v0.1.14 is released. uoYabause is a unofficial port of Yabause SEGA Saturn Emulator( http://yabause.org/ ).

Some games run playable quality.
uoYabause does not include any games. Put CD-Rom Iso image you have on the storage directory "yabause/games/". Start uoYabause and push Load Game button, then select file name you put.
You can control with touch panel but also with game pad connected with USB or Bluetooth.
* You can also boot game with intent.
Target: org.uoyabause.android/org.uoyabause.android.Yabause
Key: org.uoyabause.android.FileNameEx
Type: String
Value: absolute file path for a game CD-ROM ISO image

uoYabause v0.1.14 Changelog:
* Full Screen Mode
* FIX [Dead or Alive] missing polygon
* FIX [Golden Axe Duel] doesn't recogine XYZ button
* FIX [Golden Axe Dual] cahractoer is not shown.
* Workaround [Sonic R] RBG0 is not corrent.

Download: uoYabause v0.1.14
Source: Here


  1. I am going to have to try this with bug!

  2. Shield Tablet performance here, awesome work!



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