
Decaf Git (2015/11/29)

EmuCR: WiiUDecaf Git (2015/11/29) is released. Decaf (originally called WiiU-EMU) is a researching Wii U emulation. The Wii U is a home video game console created by Nintendo and the successor to the Wii.

Decaf Git Changelog:
* Merge pull request #99 from linkmauve/no-executable
Remove executable bit on source files which shouldn’t be executable
* Remove executable bit on source files which shouldn’t be executable.
* jit_internal: Use using instead of typedef.
* Remove unused Windows.h
* main.cpp: work around docopt bug 31
Details: Parser does not correctly identify option description if on new line
* statedbg.h: add some missing header files
* Use thread_local instead of __declspec(thread) for tCurrentCore.
* fixup! Don't assume MSVC's ability to take a reference to an lvalue
* Don't assume MSVC's ability to take a reference to an lvalue
* Replace usage of _rotl with cross-platform implementation from Citra
* Replace usage of _BitScanReverse with cross-platform implementation
* Replace usages of sprintf_s, vsprintf_s, _strdup
Defined them to POSIX signatures to be somewhat portable.
* debugnet: replace huge if blocks with switch blocks
It's neater and easier for the compiler to optimize into a LUT.
* byte_swap.h: fix platform define checks to use #if defined(xyz)
* Remove unused Loader::getUnimplementedData.
* Remove windows dependencies in gx2_debug.
* Cleanup platform includes.
* Cross platform memory mapping.
* Rename set_thread_name to setThreadName.
* Introduce platform_fiber for cross platform fibers.
* Use GLFW for window+context creation and input.
Yay crossplatform.
In future will probably move away from GLFW for input - it doesn't give us
much control over processing game pads.

Download: Decaf Git (2015/11/29)
Source: Here


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