
GLideN64 Git (2016/04/09)

EmuCR: GLideN64GLideN64 Git (2016/04/09) is compiled. GLideN64 is a new generation, open-source graphics plugin for N64 emulators

GLideN64 Git Changelog:
* Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/gonetz/GLideN64
* Add hack_doNotResetTLUTmode for Quake 64.
Fixed regressions in Mace #955 and Midway's Greatest Arcade #948
* Fix vertex index calculation for flat shading.
Fixed gex enter the gecko: letter colors are incorrect (regression) #956
* Correct texture coordinates calculation in OGLRender::drawTexturedRect :
add dsdx/dtdy instead of 1.0f
Fixed issues #27, #128, #209

EmuCR: GLideN64

Download: GLideN64 Git (2016/04/09)
Source: Here


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