
DoosraPSX v1.4.0

EmuCR: DoosraPSXDoosraPSX v1.4.0 is released. DoosraPSX is a frontend for Sony PlayStation 2 emulator (PCSX2) can be run on Windows platform. Main concept of this programme is to cover all PS2 games with details at one station and to play and config easily as compared to original emulator. No doubt, PS2 is a discontinued console and it should be focused on PS3 or XBox 360 emulators now a days. But this is a good idea and effort from the developer.

DoosraPSX Features:
- Excellant outlook
- Very easy to use
- Games list made easy to manage and play PS2 games
- Displays game serial, region, video system, developer, yaer of manufacturing, genre and other details
- Cover art included
- Round about 6000 PS2 games lsiting
- A huge and fully offline database
- Auto detection of games from PS2 CD/DVD images
- Simple configuration options
- Game individual config
- A lot of helpful info

Note: Updated DirectX and MS Visual C++ 2015 runtime must be installed to run PCSX2. If you are running WinXP, then MS Visual C++ 2013 runtime also required.

EmuCR: DoosraPSX
EmuCR: DoosraPSX
EmuCR: DoosraPSX
EmuCR: DoosraPSX
EmuCR: DoosraPSX

Download: DoosraPSX v1.4.0 with pcsx2
Download: DoosraPSX v1.4.0


  1. "ps2 is disctoniuted so better focus on ps3..." What are you saying? Go out and buy a ps3 and do not bother people. Emulator focus on emulating old things to preserve them.

  2. hola que bueno que hay otro emulador de ps2 entre mas hay donde escojer y el mejor se baja xd y mas con mejoras que bueno sigan adelante,y losiento no hablo ingles xd saludos y suerte

    1. No se trata de un nuevo emulador, es una interfaz para usarse en el emulador PCSX2.

    2. aaa ya jajaja nosabia esque no entendia de que trataba ya que nose mucho ingles xd,pero gracias por explicarme carlos


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