
XBoyAdvance v24b7

EmuCR XBoyAdvanceXBoyAdvance v24b7 is released. XBoyAdvance is an Gameboy Advance/Gameboy Color/Super Gameboy emulator ported for XBox from VisualBoy Advance.

XBoyAdvance v24b7 Changelog:
* Updated to madmab edition interface CFv1b19. See "Interface Changelog.txt"
* Added 6 new software filters from GensX and 2 from NeoGeo CD emulator (see interface changelog for more details).
* Based on user feedback removed the following software filters 2xSai Scanline, 4xSai Scanline, Super 2xSai Scanline, Super 4xSai Scanline, Eagle 2x Scanline, Eagle 4x Scanline, Super Eagle2x Scanline, Super Eagle4x Scanline.
* Fixed issue where FPS stop displaying after playing your first game.

Download: XBoyAdvance v24b7


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