
Citra Git (2017/12/07)

EmuCR: CitraCitra Git (2017/12/07) is released. This is the trunk of Citra Project. Citra is an experimental open-source Nintendo 3DS emulator/debugger written in C++. At this time, it only emulates a very small subset of 3DS hardware, and therefore is only useful for booting/debugging very simple homebrew demos. Citra is licensed under the GPLv2. Refer to the license.txt file included.

Citra Git Changelog:
* Merge pull request #3231 from lioncash/header
* dyncom: Remove unnecessary includes
* Merge pull request #3229 from lioncash/decode
* arm_dyncom_dec: Hide the decoding table from external view
* Merge pull request #3228 from lioncash/explicit
* arm: Make CPU backend constructors explicit
* Merge pull request #3227 from MerryMage/cro
* ldr_ro: Use ranged instruction cache invalidation
* ARM_Interface: Allow for partial invalidation of instruction cache
* externals: Update dynarmic to 4110494
* Merge pull request #3230 from lioncash/pragma
* arm_dynarmic_cp15: Add missing header guard
* Merge pull request #3226 from Subv/arbiter_timeout
* HLE/AddressArbiter: Remove threads that were awoken by timeout from the arbiter's waitlist when using WaitIfLessThanWithTimeout and DecrementAndWaitIfLessThanWithTimeout.
* Merge pull request #3225 from B3n30/applet_id
* fixup! Applet: Print unknown AppletId on ASSERT
* Applet: Print unknown AppletId on ASSERT

Download: Citra Git (2017/12/07) x64
Source: Here


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