
Gopher2600 v0.9

Gopher2600 v0.9 is released. Gopher2600 is an emulator for the Atari 2600. Whilst the performance is not as efficient as some other emulators it is none-the-less suitable for playing games, on a reasonably modern computer, at the required 60fps. (The development machine for Gopher2600 has been an i3-3225, dating from around 2012.)

Gopher2600 v0.9 changelog:
Support for common TIA revisions
- window available in play mode and debug mode

Hardware controller support
- Tested with wired XBox controller
- DPad controls joystick
- Left thumb-stick and triggers control paddle
- Start button is the conole's reset switch

Reworked debugger UI
- more information in toolbar
- better disasm window
- improved CPU, TV and Control windows
- added RSYNC overlay

Corrected TV implementation so that smooth Playfield scrolling works

Cartridge mapping
- Superbank support (128k and 256k)
- Corrected false positives when fingerprinting for Mnetwork (E7)

Supercharger improvements
- Supercharger tape will stop when ROM stops reading for data
- Correctly loads 8-bit WAV data
- Improved fastload (.bin files) fingerprinting
- Fastload (.bin files) supports multiloading

- Mute audio
- STEP command can now STEP back
- SYMBOL, WATCH, DISASSEMBLY commands changed
- small improvements to linter (still not ready for use)

- Mouse capture with right mouse button (rather than double-click)

Download: Gopher2600 v0.9


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