
DCVG5K 2022.02.26

EmuCR: DCVG5KDCVG5K 2022.02.26 is released. DCVG5K is a VG5000 emulator created by Daniel Coulom.

DCVG5K v2 emulates:
- VG5000 central unit powered by Zilog Z80 microprocessor.
- System monitor and built-in Basic interpreter.
- Memory expansion cartridge.
- Two joysticks with their controller.
- Tape reader and writer, tapes being emulated with .k7 files.
- Printer unit (with a file).

DCVG5K 2022.02.26 Changelog: (Google Translate)
Correction du plantage de dcvg5k en cas d'appel de la fonction Fichier / Simuler le clavier...
Mise à jour de l'émulation du contrôleur VY5040 avec la version 14/02/2022 de l'EPROM.

Download: DCVG5K 2022.02.19
Source: Here


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