
EmuLinker-K v0.11.1

EmuLinker-K v0.11.1 is released. EmuLinker-K is a server that uses the Kaillera protocol to facilitate online multiplayer for emulators. EmuLinker-K is a Kotlin rewrite of EmulinkerSF, with an emphasis on measuring and improving performance, patching security and privacy vulnerabilities, and adding useful features for both server owners and users. EmuLinker-K is maintained by nue.

EmuLinker-K v0.11.1 changelog:
Start adding documentation on Kaillera messages. by @hopskipnfall in #98
Update Twitter logic to work with recent API changes. by @hopskipnfall in #102
Fix a bug where the server won't start without Twitter credentials by @hopskipnfall in #103

Download: EmuLinker-K v0.11.1
Source: Here


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