
#CSpect V2.19.5.0

#CSpect v2.19.5.0 is released. #CSpect is a ZXSpectrum emulator by Mike Dailly.

#CSpect changeglog:
Fixed Layer 2, 320x256 right clipping
Fixed a sprite clip bug that was causing a hard crash
Optimised sprite rendering a little
Adding better streaming support through esxDOS
Adding in better config mode support
Copper can now generate IRQs properly
Fixed stackless NMIs
Fixed some DIVMMC RAM/ROM stuff
Fixed some DIVMMC address paging
Fixed a debugger memory window crash
First pass at a sprite viewer
Fixed "EQUs" being used as debugger address symbols
Added NextReg $B2 for extended MD Pad buttons
Fixed DMA continuous mode when also in Prescaler mode - though, please don't do this! :D Note: This is a total fudge, it may break.
Fixed DMA status register. DMA End flag, and 1 byte transferred flag now works.

Download: #CSpect v2.19.5.0


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