
XRoar v1.5

XRoar v1.5 is released. XRoar is a Dragon emulator for Linux, Unix, OS X, GP32, Nintendo DS and Windows. Due to hardware similarities, XRoar also emulates the Tandy Colour Computer (CoCo) models 1 & 2.

XRoar v1.5 Changelog:
Add ability to change Picture Area, seeing more or less border
New option -vo-picture
Respect -geometry dimensions in SDL-based UIs
Add optional 60Hz vertical scaling (on by default)
New option -no-vo-scale-60hz disables 60Hz scaling
Faster ROM intercept based printing on CoCo and MC-10
GIME: respect X offset and HVEN in COCO mode
MPI slot config moved from global to per-cart, included in -config-print
Add screenshot to PNG from menu or Control+Shift+S
Fix printing after switching machines [Jak Fearon]
Better rendering of paths in Windows dialogs
Fix some CoCo 3 cartridge behaviour [Christian Haitian]
GIME: reset video address later (fixes Androne) ["EnsignRutherford"]
GIME: fix various $FExx access problems

Download: XRoar v1.5 Windows (64-bit)
Source: Here


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