
Dolphin SVN r7125

EmuCR:DolphinDolphin SVN r7125 is released. Dolphin is the first Gamecube emulator able to run commercial games! Dolphin is a great Gamecube(NGC) and Wii emulator. It has a partial Wii support and plays most Gamecube games. SSSE3 and SSE4 optimized are enabled in this build.

Dolphin SVN changelog:
Experimental commit and one fix for my last commit.
I think that isFifoBusy bring better sync with VI (video interface) because the CPU emulated threads are waiting for DrawDone in BP Register. So, I do some modifications.
1) Rename "IsFifoBusy" by "isPossibleWaitingSetDrawDone"
2) Only activate isPossibleWaitingSetDrawDone when bFF_GPLinkEnable is true in fifo loop "Inmediate mode" that is because in theory this drawsync function is using in this mode.
3) Deactivate isPossibleWaitingSetDrawDone also in SetFinish in PixelEngine, beside when 32 block is finish.

Please regression in yours games thats can bring some FPS more above all with VPS frame limiter ON (Auto, 60, 50, etc).

- Fix waiting in AbortFrame(), please test mp1/mp2 is fixed again.

Good look!
vs2010: add debugfast configs for wxw (now debugfast links faster!). clean up wxw projects a lot.
Used usleep(1) instead of _mm_pause on Linux and Mac OSX. This reduces the CPU usage in the video thread's idle loop. Added YieldCPU to the DSP LLE loop.

Download: Dolphin SVN r7125 x86
Download: Dolphin SVN r7125 x64
Source: Here


  1. There is a big problem with this version of Dolphin. For some reason, now AR codes won't save in the list, when you close the list, they are deleted automatically.

  2. nice work guy's..
    can some one optimize for amd cpu even more and make some patches for the resident evil series??
    keep up

  3. The extended CPU instruction set optimizations are from the compiling programs, not from the person compiling the source or the developers.

    The benefits are really not that noticeable anyway. You're lucky if you get more than a 2 fps increase from the optimized build.

    You can get a more noticeable speedboost by shifting to 64bit build instead of 32


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