
MESS SVN r10936

EmuCR: MESSMESS SVN r10936 is released. MESS(Multi Emulator Super System) is an open source emulator which emulates a large variety of different systems. MESS is a source-available project which documents the hardware for a wide variety of (mostly vintage) computers, video game consoles, and calculators through software emulation, as MAME does for arcade games. As a nice side effect to this documentation, MESS allows software and games for these hardware platforms to be run on modern PCs.

MESS SVN Changelog:
softlist format: split info (formerly introduced for the compatibility settings) in info and sharedfeat.
the former stays tied to the whole software entry (e.g. you can use it to mention developers, if you
want to), the latter gets inherited by each part (e.g. you can use it to add compatibility checks like
the sample one in gensvp).
while at it, readded the compatibility check to megadriv.c which got lost before (my bad, I forgot to
sync the file in MAME). More details in a forthcoming board post.

Final note: for me, the list format is finalized (at last) with this set of changes

Download: MESS SVN r10936 x86
Download: MESS SVN r10936 x64
Source: Here


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