
Dolphin Git 3.0-191

EmuCR:DolphinDolphin Git 3.0-191 is released. This is the trunk of Dolphin Project. Dolphin is the first Gamecube emulator able to run commercial games! Dolphin is a great Gamecube(NGC) and Wii emulator. It has a partial Wii support and plays most Gamecube games. Dolphin has been changed SVN to Git recently.

Dolphin Git changelog:
* Bounding Box bugfixes.
- Fixes all (I hope) BBox-related unknown pointer crashes.
- Fixes wrong BBox values with Frame Skip on (and the resulting unknown pointer crashes).
- Fixes a small oversight on the change I made to the ISO Properties dialog.
This should also be a (very very little) bit faster than the previous version.
* Gameini database update for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles(gc), Just Dance 3, Spider-Man: Edge of Time, Paper Mario, Super Paper Mario.

Download: Dolphin Git 3.0-191 x86
Download: Dolphin Git 3.0-191 x64
Source: Here


  1. Ha-ha. That stoopid programmers still can't fix WWE DOR 1\2 Ha-ha-ha. Yeah! I Am in Idiot)))

  2. @ #1
    at least they fix 4 player wiimote problem and that was my biggest problem

    so that prove that they trying to develop the program more than you think !

    they trying to enhance the overall program problems to make every one happy

    don't think they will spent there time just for you ...

    you the one who must grow up

    "for those who believe in GOD & Judgement Day they should say something useful or remain silent"

  3. my say is older revision good stable speed (r7561 fastest for me)and the later release revisions is getting slower and slower? So what the hell is wrong with the programmers..care to explain?

  4. Well, 4 hours of playing Xenoblade, and no freeze at the moment

  5. @-ШУМ- (or anyone that knows the answer)

    just one question, does the game require a wiimote to play it or not ? thanks in advance for the answer... (sorry for my poor english)

  6. How well this thing playing Punch-Out?

  7. @ #8
    I play on Logitech gamepad for PC, all works well for me

  8. No freezes on Xenoblade third day, i'm shocked o_O

  9. I wonder if fatal frame 4 is able to play?

  10. How is Punch-Out playing?


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