
Dolphin BalanceBoard Git 3.0-378

EmuCR:DolphinDolphin BalanceBoard Git 3.0-378 is compiled. Dolphin BalanceBoard is a branch of Dolphin. Dolphin is the first Gamecube emulator able to run commercial games! Dolphin is a great Gamecube(NGC) and Wii emulator. It has a partial Wii support and plays most Gamecube games. Dolphin has been changed SVN to Git recently.

Dolphin BalanceBoard Git changelog:
* Set the Balance Board bt address in sysconf
* simple and ugly gui selection for balanceboard slot

Download: Dolphin BalanceBoard Git 3.0-378 x86
Download: Dolphin BalanceBoard Git 3.0-378 x64
Source: Here


  1. Ja nee is klar. Demnächst kommt noch die Dolphin "FürMeineGroßmutter" Git Version raus.
    Ich frage mich echt warum die Welt 1 Millionen Branches vom Original braucht. Open Source ist manchmal ganz schön Sche!sse.

  2. Dem kann ich Dir Dir echt nur zustimmen.

  3. Я так и не понял, что тут улучшили...

  4. they test newfunctions
    these are development snapshots
    if they work good they will be released in the main branch

    sie testen neue funktionen
    das sind nur entwickler versionen
    fals die funktionen funktionieren werden sei in main branch kommen

  5. Leute ihr habt alle recht.
    Die sollten lieber gucken das die spiele besser kompatibeler werden machen damit wir mehr fps haben oder ne möglichkeit finden six core oder so für dolphin zu verwenden stadt irgend so ein waveboard.

  6. #Anonymous 3,

    your swearing is not appreciate. Please don't do that. Thanks.

    #Anonymous 1 and 2,

    your language is beautiful and i have my own language too but this site is for English and
    we would appreciate to read your English too.

  7. #Anonymous 7,

    you disgusting me. Why do you breath on Earth ? You sickening me!

  8. UR all a bunch of gay queens.

  9. pls more speed for dolphin :)

  10. Non pas l'anglais de merde qui nous casse les burnes dans la plupart des sites VIVE LA FRANCE,LES FRANCAIS ET TOUTES LES LANGUES ETRANGERES et pas cette connerie d 'english

  11. Im Anonymous #1. Here in English:
    I think the world doesn't need another Dolpin "GranMa" Git-Build. I understand that it's only for developers, but then they shouldn't release it until it's done. Some people come to this site and don't know which version they should download.
    It's too confusing for the masses. Dolpin Main Branch is already excellent and we don't need inofficial pseudo-test versions.

  12. Oh boy.. you guys are immature.


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