
Dolphin Git 3.0-582

EmuCR:DolphinDolphin Git 3.0-582 is compiled. This is the trunk of Dolphin Project. Dolphin is the first Gamecube emulator able to run commercial games! Dolphin is a great Gamecube(NGC) and Wii emulator. It has a partial Wii support and plays most Gamecube games. Dolphin has been changed SVN to Git recently.

Dolphin Git changelog:
* Removed CGDisplayCapture from the OSX fullscreen mode code, fixing full-screen mode. Thanks to celgilles for the patch.
Fixes issue 5331.
* Fixes issue 5330.
* Comments about DVDLowAudioBufferConfig
* Oops how did that compile...

Download: Dolphin Git 3.0-582 x86
Download: Dolphin Git 3.0-582 x64
Source: Here


  1. Before you ask the problem for your emulators. DO not ask here!!! This is just compiling the emulators which mean they just released the update from the source. You need to ask the problems at SOURCE:


    Then click ISSUE and you can ask for your problems there.. NOT HERE. :)

  2. The Last story размазанные текстуры на персонажах при приближении их к экрану

  3. #3, complaining here will not get you heard here. Its a smart idea to ask at the google code page because the developers can easily keep track of all complaints there. No need to tell him to STFU just for stating something that will benefit everyone. No need to be angry over something this small.

  4. #2, В Last Story не играл, но сейчас прохожу Tales of Symphonia, там вообще текстуры двоятся. Иногда слабо, а иногда очень сильно. Может быть это не в эмуляторе дело, потому что я где-то читал, что этот эффект замечали на оригинальной приставке.

  5. Вот, кстати, как это выглядит:

  6. Holy shit, I'm literally going to download this right now just to see what games benefit from this amazing "Fix" [/sarcasm].

    Serious note, If you are intending on picking up a open-source project then how about actually doing some fixes that benefit the emulator rather than some pedantic fix that does fuck all.
    It reminds of nullDC lately, "Fix some obscure nonsense", followed up by "Reverted to some obscure nonsense", followed by "Fixed something that does something or maybe even nothing".


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