
NEWS: Supermodel WIP Update [FV2 & VF3 videos] (2012/05/06)

Nik has overhauled Supermodel's CPU timing and worked out some further details of PowerPC/Real3D communication. The various timing-related ROM patches that plague both Supermodel (and also appear in MAME) are no longer necessary! There are still some things to sort out regarding VBlank timing but this is a major step in the right direction. Harley Davidson, ECA, Virtua Fighter 3 (and 3 TB), and I think all the VS2 games now run at the correct speed. Here are a couple of videos:

Nik has also informed me that he managed to plug Dolphin's CPU core into Supermodel but that it had no effect on the geometry corruption observed in Virtua Fighter 3 and Sega Rally 2. This is something I had wanted to try and means that it is quite likely that the CPU is not at fault. So it's back to square one concerning that problem.

News Source: Here


  1. Oh yeah!!!!!!!!!

  2. Amazing.. More improvement then there will be The Lost World Special available. They say it will be when there are more improvement at first. Cool!


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