
Gekko Git (2012/07/19)

EmuCR: GekkoGekko Git (2012/07/19) is compiled. Gekko is an open source great Gamecube(NGC) emulator. Gekko is an experimental Nintendo GameCube (NGC) emulator started in 2006 by ShizZy and Lightning. It features a very advanced 32-bit dynamic recompiler and its own OpenGL graphics core, and is capable of booting many commercical titles.

Gekko Git Changelog:
* cleaned up config to properly initialize in constructors
* re-enabled video configs, more minor cleanups
* used safe calls with ParseVideoNode

Download: Gekko Gekko Git (2012/07/19)
Source: Here


  1. the war is over, dolphin has won

    1. Still not happy, when we play and Still fails in the middle of the game.

  2. Eeee!! DOLPHIN!!!!

  3. Please stop it!

    This emulator is for Game Cube only.. Dolphin are for both. No big deal. Grow up!

    1. You people need to stop being under the impression that emulatores are coded just so you can play your games.
      They do it to learn, have fun, and the public release is just a happy (for us that appreciate it) side effect.

    2. 99.9% of the world's emulators are downloaded to play games, perhaps you would like to name the ones that aren't ?

      >>They do it to learn, have fun

      Fine, keep it to yourselves, then.

      >>and the public release is just a happy (for us that appreciate it) side effect.

      Happy side effect ? For who ? And what, exactly, do you expect the downloaders of this emulator are to do with it, hmm ? Stare at it ? Pray that, in 15 years time, they can finally play Mario Sunshine ?

      You know, if you are a coder out there having fun, great,have fun, but keep it to yourself. Because, to me anyway, coding a emulator where another, frankly infinitely superior, emulator already exists that itself has taken years to get where it is now, is pointless.

    3. I don't think you realize one crucial point, this wasn't "released" at all, some guy simply pushed an update to git and this site decided it'd be cool to compile it and upload it.

      If you want to complain, complain about Emu-CR posting it.

  4. LOL. There is also one more NGC emulator - DolWin.
    But Dolphin-emu can play NGC games at fullspeed.

  5. Why? Why?... this is so useless, better work on emulating something else.

  6. better work on emulate Virtua Striker 4 and F-Zero AX on Dolphin Triforce!!!

  7. Nichole and team need to disabled Anonymous and only registers are allow because its annoying. I am disappointment with Nichole and team are not doing anything and they dont care. Where are their hearts ? Jeez!

  8. Unfortunately, the Anonymous feature is a necessary evil...it has more users coming here. The unfortunate outcome is that a number of them feel the need to be rude and troll unnecessarily.

    It won't be going away. Just don't let them get to you and focus on the positive and constructive feedback.

  9. why waste time in this project? better use ur time to troll the jpcsp forums and call them nigger for using lol java

    anyway good to see some progress in this, but it wont play any games for a couple of years


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