
PCSX2 SVN r5347

EmuCR: PCSX2PCSX2 SVN r5347 is compiled. PCSX2 is an open source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator for the Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems. With the most recent versions, many PS2 games are playable (although speed limitations have made play-to-completion tests for many games impractical), and several games are claimed to have full functionality.

PCSX2 SVN Changelog:
GSDX: Removed the collapsing of ge/g and le/l alpha tests in the shader code and
the supporting code in the C++. This was presumably intended to reduce the
number of shaders needed but a) this was never actually implemented, b) a single
developer will generally not mix the functionally equivalent (with a different
AREF) greater/less than with greater/less than or equal to in GS techniques, c)
it really wouldn't make much of a difference to performance anyway and d) it
would make an experimental change I'm working with more complicated and slower.

No change in functionality expected.
GSDX: Quick ugly fix (major work on this function might be done soon) for a bug
with colclamp I noticed. Unknown impact, might make some effects work.
GSDX: don't unnecessarily create and use a render target for the DATE setup
stage, D3D10+ supports not having a render target set. (D3D9 doesn't, so that's
GSDX: New interpretation of destination alpha testing to improve effect rendering as an optional hack. Known to make shadows in the persona games (and thus probably shin megami tensei) better, not sure what else it accomplishes without destroying other effects.

Now, a note about the actual issue. Destination alpha tests can be used on the GS as one of the workarounds for a lack of stencils. If you use a destination alpha test and leave alpha writing on, the GS will only write each pixel until you write an alpha value which would fail the test. This works to a point in gsdx without further hacking, but that point is when within a single batch of primitives the same pixels are written multiple times and the destination alpha test is expected to update. I did experimentally make a tight loop updating the stencil with a draw then drawing for one primitive at a time, but it was prohibitively slow (over 80% fps loss, you really don't want to know).

Destination alpha testing cannot be directly implemented in D3D9 or D3D10, but (probably) can in D3D11 (with a speed hit for sure, but I doubt it'll be 80%). I'll be getting a new graphics card and looking into that.

And before some idiot says it, the answer is no. OpenGL does not help.
GUI: Closing the GS window didn't update the structure telling plugins about the window. Decided that just hiding the window has less race potential.

Download: PCSX2 SVN r5347
Source: Here


  1. Thank you, Nichole so much for disabled Anonymous! Now, less problem and less trolls. Thank you, EmuCR! :)

  2. did u ban that light gun dude

  3. Now we are in a gentleman board =)

  4. Indeed. Take that you vicious trolls!

  5. EmuCr should ban Animal Bear(aka AnimalTroll) as well.

  6. EmuCr should ban Animal Bear(aka AnimalTroll) as well.

  7. sir Duke,

    Why ? Are you jealous or something ? Stop stab someone in the back back! ENOUGH!

  8. Gentlemen, please! Let's me civil here. We shouldn't let the banning of those anonymous miscreants have been for nothing, right? Stop with this nonsense so we can turn our attention to more productive discussions.

    So, who here volunteered to take it in the ass from ATI by buying their ghetto video cards even though their drivers blow and their opengl support sucks a wrinkled dick?

    1. I agree.
      However, may i suggest raming your wrinkled dick up your Byuu loving asshole whilst wanking over your lastest trojan infested warez that you downloaded from EmuCR.

      Also could you convert it to Java
      That would be great

  9. Awhile ago I sent an open source of pcsx2 with working p2p netplay that syncs well.I'm guessing that this developer doesn't care for netplay for pcsx2 at all.Just wanted to see if his team wanted to improve it for more games to work with it or add this feature to their source.

  10. Latest PCSX2 SVN here, always: http://pcsx2.net/download/development/svn.html

  11. Hope PCSX2 Hit Ver. 2.00
    Keep Moving Forward!


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