
MESS SVN r31779

EmuCR: MESSMESS SVN r31779 is compiled. MESS(Multi Emulator Super System) is an open source emulator which emulates a large variety of different systems. MESS is a source-available project which documents the hardware for a wide variety of (mostly vintage) computers, video game consoles, and calculators through software emulation, as MAME does for arcade games. As a nice side effect to this documentation, MESS allows software and games for these hardware platforms to be run on modern PCs.

MESS SVN Changelog:
(MESS) a7800: added Yamaha 2151 emulation to the XM expansion board, thanks to info from tep392. nw.
(MESS) a7800: split video emulation (Atari MARIA chip) into a separate device. [Fabio Priuli]
(MESS) apple3: don't do color text in A2 emulation mode. [R. Belmont]
(MESS) a78_slot: added logging of the A78 header, fixed identification of some games when loaded from fullpath, and hopefully fixed crash when loading carts from the internal UI. nw.
(MESS) vcs_slot: added oncart RAM to save state. nw.
(MESS) upd7220: fixed RDAT command when data to read are larger than the FIFO, this fixes dmv and a5105 text scrolling. (nw)
(MESS) a7800.c progress: [Fabio Priuli] - Rewritten cart emulation to use slot devices - Removed POKEY chip from the main unit since it was inside the carts (of course it gets enabled when you launch a game who contained it in its cart...

Download: MESS SVN r31779 x86
Download: MESS SVN r31779 x64
Source: Here


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