
MESS Git (2014/12/21)

EmuCR: MESSMESS Git (2014/12/21) is compiled. MESS(Multi Emulator Super System) is an open source emulator which emulates a large variety of different systems. MESS is a source-available project which documents the hardware for a wide variety of (mostly vintage) computers, video game consoles, and calculators through software emulation, as MAME does for arcade games. As a nice side effect to this documentation, MESS allows software and games for these hardware platforms to be run on modern PCs.

MESS Git Changelog:
* (MESS) excalibur : yet another attempt at hires graphics. (nw)
- Also added the missing hsync bit to the csync signal.
* (MESS) digel804: added RS232 port. (nw)
* (MESS) Intellivison: fix loading of very large .rom carts like D2K Arcade. [R. Belmont]
* (MESS)-gamate :added bankswitched cartridges support, basic scrolling support [PeT]
* (MESS) excalibur : floppies are working (nw)
* (MESS) megacd.xml: logged data of the original bin+cue used for creating
CHDs. this shall be of help to remove bad dumps or keep good ones
when redumps become available. while at it, removed outdated note at top
(Euro system does recognize discs in current tree) and added ring codes
when available (allowing for the removal of a bunch of disks sourced
from iso+wav, when better source were available) nw.
* (MESS) psx.xml: logged a few more original bin+cue and standardized
descriptions a bit more. nw.
* (MESS)
tutor.xml: added some new dumps [ssj, TeamEurope]
vc4000.xml: added some new dumps [ssj, TeamEurope]
* (MESS) ngen: put 386-based systems in a separate driver_device class for now, so that they don't crash.
* (MESS) fixed crash with no cart for 3 drivers (nw)
- gameking, svision, advision
- only affects my build
- See forum post for details
* (MESS) excalibur : starting to add floppy support (nw)
(note: using old wd17xx because new wd crashes when the disk is loaded up)
* (MESS) Fix VSM rom read through the tms51xx, and add tms6100 hookup to tispeak.c, fixing speech in speak and spell and speak and math. The drivers are usable but no display yet. Fixed speak and spell clock speed (it is 1/2 the clock input of the tms51xx chip) [Lord Nightmare]
Non-Whatsnew Note: this commit breaks the speech in radar scope trs02 set (because the rom it has has the bits in the backwards order). I will fix this later.
* (MESS)preliminary emulation of Speak & Spell hardware. [hap, Lord Nightmare]

Download: MESS Git (2014/12/21) x86
Download: MESS Git (2014/12/21) x64
Source: Here


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