
MESS Git (2015/08/31)

EmuCR: MESSMESS Git (2015/08/31) is compiled. MESS(Multi Emulator Super System) is an open source emulator which emulates a large variety of different systems. MESS is a source-available project which documents the hardware for a wide variety of (mostly vintage) computers, video game consoles, and calculators through software emulation, as MAME does for arcade games. As a nice side effect to this documentation, MESS allows software and games for these hardware platforms to be run on modern PCs.

MESS Git Changelog:
* remove outdated comments, and other comment updates to tms5220 (nw)
* TMS5110: Add same FAST_START_HACK as in tms5220, makes snmath word delay closer to hardware. [Lord Nightmare]
* fixed logging (nw)
* fixed compile (nw)
* Merge pull request #297 from shattered/_9fcddd8
Add skeleton support for K1801VM2 (as clone of T11) and skeleton driver dvk_kcgd that uses it [shattered]
* New skeleton: dvk_kcgd (colour graphics display controller for DVK series)

Download: MESS Git (2015/08/31) x86
Download: MESS Git (2015/08/31) x64
Source: Here


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