
PCSX2 Git (2015/09/20)

EmuCR: PCSX2PCSX2 Git (2015/09/20) is compiled. PCSX2 is an open source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator for the Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems. With the most recent versions, many PS2 games are playable (although speed limitations have made play-to-completion tests for many games impractical), and several games are claimed to have full functionality.

PCSX2 Git Changelog:
* FolderMemoryCard: Handle empty files on load and write
* Merge pull request #834 from PCSX2/gsdx-prog-rec
GSdx: recording: Progressive: make the recorded clip play at full speed
* GSdx: recording: Progressive: make the recorded clip play at full speed
Before this patch, when recording Progressive (frame) mode, it recorded all
the frames correctly but set the clip's fps property to 25/29.97, so when
played back it played at half the speed (but was fine when played at double speed).
This patch does not affect the number of frames recorded per second, but rather
only sets the resulting clip fps property to the correct one (double than before).
Also fixes a bug that in a non-managed window in progressive mode, the title
displayed "200%" speed when it should have displayed 100% speed.
Fixes #832
* folderMemoryCard: hack - don't call hundreds of times per second
In order to flush data with some delay after save-to-memory-card, the code was
calling sioNextFrame() on each frames (60 times/s) continuously as long as the
emulation is active, regardless if FMC is in use or if memory cards in general
are in use.
Further to that, each call to sioNextFrame calls 8 times into the memory card
plugin even if FMC is not in use, resulting in overall ~500 calls/sec with the
sole goal of facilitating delayed flush after MCD save with folder memory cards.
This patch is a hack to call it once per second instead of 60 per second, but we
need to remove this call completely.
The delayed flush will now happen after 60-120 frames instead of exactly 60.
* folderMemoryCard: hack - don't hang PCSX2 if a file has zero size
I'm not sure if it breaks the state of the folderMemoryCard (FMC) or not, but
at least it doesn't hang PCSX2.
Might need followup to make sure the state ends up valid.
* Merge pull request #807 from turtleli/windows-dpi-image-scaling
Scale images according to DPI (Windows)
Partially fix theming
* gui: Adjust mainframe size and status bar position
There are a few odd things with Windows and the background logo.
1. The windows containing the logo is smaller than the logo.
2. The fitting algorithm doesn't work at 200% DPI.
Both make no sense, but can apparently be worked around.
* gui:windows: Implement image DPI scaling
This should reproduce the old non-DPI aware pre-wxWidgets 3.0 behaviour
for the main dialogs, except the font rendering should be better.
And add comments that I should have already added but didn't.
* gui: Fix image list scaling
The listbook images aren't rescaled unless the embedded icons are used.
Make sure all the images are correctly rescaled.
* gui: Allow screenshot icon to be themed.
The logo and all the other icons can apparently be themed (though
theming is a bit broken). Let's allow the camera screenshot to be
themed as well.
* gui: Simplify and rework EmbeddedImage class
The wxImage Scale/Rescale methods with wxIMAGE_QUALITY_HIGH upsamples
and downsamples using the bicubic and box resampling methods
respectively, so let's just use that instead of the ResampleBox method,
which is undocumentated and probably shouldn't be used.
The Rescale function also modified the image when it was not supposed
to. Fix it, and rename it scale to avoid confusion with the wxWidgets

Download: PCSX2 Git (2015/09/20)
Source: Here


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