
MESS Git (2015/10/30)

EmuCR: MESSMESS Git (2015/10/30) is compiled. MESS(Multi Emulator Super System) is an open source emulator which emulates a large variety of different systems. MESS is a source-available project which documents the hardware for a wide variety of (mostly vintage) computers, video game consoles, and calculators through software emulation, as MAME does for arcade games. As a nice side effect to this documentation, MESS allows software and games for these hardware platforms to be run on modern PCs.

MESS Git Changelog:
New Clone Added
Player's Edge Plus (PP0045) 10's or Better (Las Vegas Rio) [BrianT]
* mask address space for a2600 in the CPU (m6507) not in the driver.
* Vixen: finished off the keyboard (nw)
* internal loggers (nw)
* internal map for internal things (nw)
* create derived CPU type so that code can be put in the correct place (nw)
* call it harmony/melody, that more accurately represents what we're emulating, dpc+ seems to be a software implementation on the ARM of the Harmony (nw)
* osborne1: add 6850ACIA serial port (untested), use configured banking
* New Forgotten World clone
New Clone Added
Forgotten Worlds (World, newer) [Bill D, The Dumping Union]
* Osborne Vixen: fixed screen (thanks to OG who added M1 support to the Z80). Various other fixes. Marked as Working [Robbbert]

Download: MESS Git (2015/10/30) x86
Download: MESS Git (2015/10/30) x64
Source: Here


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