
MESS Git (2016/01/27)

EmuCR: MESSMESS Git (2016/01/27) is compiled. MESS(Multi Emulator Super System) is an open source emulator which emulates a large variety of different systems. MESS is a source-available project which documents the hardware for a wide variety of (mostly vintage) computers, video game consoles, and calculators through software emulation, as MAME does for arcade games. As a nice side effect to this documentation, MESS allows software and games for these hardware platforms to be run on modern PCs.

MESS Git Changelog:
* Cleanups and version bump
* fix error (nw)
* Merge pull request #587 from ImJezze/pull
HLSL: NTSC and color convergence refactoring
* Fixed missing const (nw)
* Cleanup (nw)
* NTSC Refactoring and Options
- merged YIQ encode and decode pass into one NTSC pass
- added options for most NTSC settings
- reduced sample count to 64
- changed default O value to 0
- fit NTSC signal jitter between a reasonable limit of 0 and 1
- fit A and B value between a reasonable limit of -1 and 1
- fit scanline jitter between a reasonable limit of 0 and 1
- added hum bar simulation based on [MooglyGuy's] GLSL port of the mame
shader pipeline
- added monochrome-chessboard.png
- added slot-mask-aligned.png (to simulate a TFT LCD)
* Fixed YIQ passes
- fixed half texel offset
- readded usage of A value in encode/decode pass
- readded jitter of B value in encode/decode pass
- readded usage of P value in encode pass
- fixed not set O value uniform for decode pass
- removed duplicate YIQ option definition
- changed default of O value back to 1.0
* Refactored color converge
- color converge is now independent from ratio
- the radial converge now "translates" the most outer pixel as thay
would be translated by the linar converge with the same amount
- color converge is now limited to a maximum of 10
- added color converge pass to vector rendering
* Refactoring (nw)
- restructured bloom level size and weight uniforms
* Refactoring
- replaced shader parameters OrientationSwapXY xor RotationSwapXY by
- made shader parameters SourceDims, SourceRect, TargetDims, ScreenDims,
QuadDims and SwapXY available for all shaders
- color convolution, defocus and phosphor pass will now be skipped if
all influencing parameters are 0
- removed unused bloom_texture and bloom_target arrays from cache_target
- fixed half texel offset in prescale.fx
* Cleanup (nw)
- removed unused pincushion.fx
* Merge pull request #588 from ajrhacker/vindshield
viper.cpp: unused function issues (nw)
* viper.cpp: unused function issues (nw)
* segac2.cpp: Minor doc update based of picture of actual PCB - NW
* fidel6502: improved SC12 emulation
* make m68make actually build code that can be compiled now. (still needs to be built / called manually)
check in files generated with latest version of m68kmake..
* prom (nw)
* this thing really is garbage (nw)
* Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/mamedev/mame
* Neo-Geo updates [JacKc]:
* Updated game PCBS info
* Documentation update for various sets

Download: MESS Git (2016/01/27) x86
Download: MESS Git (2016/01/27) x64
Source: Here


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