
Xenia Git (2017/12/18)

EmuCR: XeniaXenia Git (2017/12/18) is compiled. Xenia is an experimental emulator for the Xbox 360. It does not run games (yet).

Xenia Status:
Some real games run. Most don't. See the Game compatibility list for currently tracked games and feel free to contribute your own updates, screenshots, and information there following the existing conventions.

Xenia Git Changelog:
* [UI] Add game title ID to titlebar
* [GPU] Strip the extension from .xtr files when choosing the output path.
* [GPU] Use overall shorter names for xenia GPU traces
* [UI] Profiler shutdown goes before window shutdown
* [GPU] Fix TraceDump progress not showing
* Formatting.
* [GPU] Don't bother redrawing the trace dump window
* [SPIR-V] New flag: spv_disasm - Generate disassembly for spir-v shaders (disabled by default)
* [UI] Shuffle some exit handling code around

Download: Xenia Git (2017/12/18)
Source: Here


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