
Cxbx Reloaded Git (2018/02/26)

EmuCR:Xbox EmulatorsCxbx Reloaded Git (2018/02/26) is compiled. Cxbx-Reloaded is an emulator for running Microsoft Xbox (and eventually, Chihiro) games on Microsoft Windows. The project began life as a fork of Cxbx with added 64-bit support. Work is currently underway to backport some of the improvements from Dxbx. Cxbx-Reloaded is still pretty unstable, don't expect it to run much at this point.

Cxbx Reloaded Git Changelog:
* Merge pull request #947 from LukeUsher/vertex-buffer-experiment
* Fix debug build
* GetVertexBufferSize wasn't taking offset into account: This fixes Zapper!
* Always use the actual stream count, rather than just the streams the shader uses
* Take indices into account when patching streams
* Use real length for hashing
* Force Rehash if length increases
* Prevent double hashing when a VertexBuffer is free'd and instantly re-created
* Tail's Head now renders in Sonic Heroes E3 Demo, Zapper is still broken..
* This was causing a crash in Zapper..
* Fix an oops: Things are slighty less broken
* With this, things are slightly less broken, dashboard still isn't right...
* Use VertexCount not PrimitiveCount here
* More tweaks/fixes
* Disable MmDeleteKernelStack until we find out why it fails
* Prevent Draw..Up from triggering multiple streams errors
* Minor refactor. Zapper still isn't happy
* Attempting to remove Vertex Buffer size back

Download: Cxbx Reloaded Git (2018/02/26)
Source: Here


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