
BizHawk Git (2017/03/21)

EmuCR: BizHawkBizHawk Git (2017/03/21) is compiled. BizHawk is a A multi-system emulator written in C#. BizHawk provides nice features for casual gamers such as full screen, and joypad support in addition to full rerecording and debugging tools for all system cores.

BizHawk Supported Systems
* Nintendo Entertainment System, Famicom, Famicom Disk System
* Super Nintendo Entertainment System and Super Famicom
* Nintendo 64
* Game Boy, Super Game Boy, and Game Boy Color
* Game Boy Advance
* Sony PlayStation
* Sega Master System, Game Gear, and SG-1000
* Sega Genesis
* Sega Saturn
* NEC PC Engine (AKA TurboGrafx-16), including SuperGrafx and PCE CD
* Atari 2600
* Atari 7800
* Atari Lynx
* ColecoVision
* TI-83 graphing calculator
* Wonderswan and Wonderswan Color
* Apple II

BizHawk Git Changelog:
* PCE: only latch Y-scroll once per scanline after an offset.
* ZXHawk: Improvements to reset methods
* Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/TASVideos/BizHawk.git
* PCE: update some graphics properties
* ZXHawk: Added missing OSD Message Verbosity setting menu option
* Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/TASVideos/BizHawk
* Better volume levels for AY-3-8912 MONO panning configuration
* PCE: Increase read delay to fix Mugen Senshi Valis fixes #554
* Merge pull request #1150 from TASVideos/ZXSpectrum
* Readme update
* Added reset methods
* Merge pull request #1149 from TASVideos/master
* GBHawk: Implement SaveRam fixes 1147
* Hex Editor: Speedup FindPrev/FindNext
* Increase Subtitle Maker frame limit
* NESHawk - Support a couple bad dumps of Super Donkey Kong (Unl)
* turn off a few resharper things we don't care about
* RamWatch: Fix column settings fixes #1137
* 6502 disasm: accidentally lost this fix
* A few more small changes
* Some TapeDevice changes
* z80: make TotalExecutedCycles long and change related variables accordingly
* z80: clean up
* Removed generic settings menu
* UI - Added last non-sync settings menu
* UI - added Core Emulation Settings menu
* UI - added joystick settings menu
* Fixed +2a/+3 ROM paging bytes missing from SaveState serialization
* Fixed AY-3-8912 overflow bug
* z80 disassembler: handle address wrap
* z80: fix port addressing in some cases
* Fixed 128k and +2 memory paging bug
* New AY-3-8912 implementation. Better sounding and more performant
* more typos. FML
* Type fix for sir feos
* Handling loadstate issues for different machine configurations
* Disabled AY chip when memory paging is disabled (i.e. 48k mode)
* Finally fixed tape trap auto loading/stopping routines
* Added joysticks 2 & 3 and removed TapeControls from VirtualPad schema (they are not needed there)
* StereoSound core setting fixed (was not used after core initliazation
* Reduced the AY center channel volume for better balance
* Disabled tape trap auto-stop (this is more trouble than its worth - tzx formats should include 'stopthetape' blocks anyway, and tap files are generally junk and should be discouraged)
* new IPSG interface ahead of trying to A/B a version of the ColecoHawk AY-3-8910
* more code tidy
* Some code tidy
* Fixed zx16 machine after memory changes
* Removed [CoreConstructor("ZXSpectrum")] identifier (as this was causing an exception when loading roms for other systems
* Detection method for 48k (or 128k in 48k mode) - needed for 'stop the tape 48k' tzx block command detection
* Memory overhaul for a nice performance benefit
* Added 'Get Tape Status' keybinding - fires an OSD message with state info about the current tape
* Finished port IO contention rewrites
* Fixed tzx tape standard data block PauseAfter value. Now speedlock7 encoded games should work
* Started new port contention methods and increased the auto-tape monitor timeout (to eliminate false-positive stops)
* Improved tape auto-loading functions
* Readme progress update!
* Datacorder - implement basic manual tape block navigation (i.e. NextBlock, PrevBlock)
* Implemented +2a and +3 is now working (although disk drive not yet implemented so it just shows as +2a)
* Disabled new test DiagRom
* Added floating bus implementation to 128k/+2 and started looking at +3 emulation
* Removed DCFilter
* Implemented DeterministicEmulation as a syncsetting and if this is set to false, audio and video devices respect the render and renderSound IEmulator bools
* LagFrame syncstate
* LagFrame implementation
* Updated readme
* Fixed MemoryCallbacks (i think) - now debugger opens without throwing an exception
* Fixed default keys and also fixed a major syncsettings snafu
* Disabled replacement DiagRom bios (vblank tests now appear to be working)
* ControllerConfiguration form now shows which Joystick type is assigned to each input
* Added Cursor(Protek) and Sinclair (left and right) joystick emulation. Also user can now set J1, J2, and J3 emulated joystick type through syncsettings
* Added default control bindings and prettified the controller configuration panels
* Fixed .tap system detection. was causing an exception due to shocking bit of anti-logic (on my part) when opening from zip files
* Added tape trap auto-load option
* OSD message handling implementation
* Implemented multi bundler functionlity and multiple tape controls
* file reorganisation and removal of obsolete stuff
* Another timing fix
* Fixed off-by-one-tstate frame timing issue
* Fixed integer overflow bug in the tape device
* TZX tape format handling re-write nearly complete (supporting advanced protection/loader schemes)
* Tape device re-write and TAP format reading done. Loading state is now fully serializable
* Starting new tape implementation
* fix deleted files
* Small settings change
* Merge pull request #1106 from TASVideos/master
* Some TapeDevice serialization
* Some floating bus work (although still not working)
* Added more border configuration options
* Added ULA state serialization
* Added new ULA implementation for 128k and plus2
* 48k - new ULA implementation - 80% faster
* Started implementing new ULA implemetation (far more performant)
* Updated readme with progress info
* Embedded ZX Roms (allowed for distribution from AMSTRAD)
* Some comments
* SyncSettings option for widescreen mode (remove top and bottom borders)
* Added original 16k speccy (even though it sucks)
* More +3 stuff (still not working)
* Mixer balancing and stereo output toggle
* AY-3-8912 Implementation
* Custom SoundProviderMixer implementation
* template for plus3 (but not implemented yet)
* Started +2 implementation
* Started Spectrum128 implementation
* Added core UI menu and fixed up settings / syncsettings
* Added virtual pad to UI
* _frameBuffer is now populated with correct data immediately, rather than converted during the IVideoProvider cycle
* updated readme
* Implemented Kempston Joystick (hardcoded J1)
* Fixed input detection
* Merge branch 'ZXSpectrum' of https://github.com/TASVideos/BizHawk.git
* TI832: fix port accesses
* updated keyscanning code
* z80: fix port access behaviour
* small refactor
* un-refactored input code and added some +keyboard combinations
* Internal facility to use DiagROM
* ZX Spectrum draft DB Access
* ZX Spectrum draft DB access
* ZX Spectrum: Draft DB access
* z80: implement data bus
* Merge pull request #1071 from Asnivor/speccy
* Added readme
* More SynState work
* Started tape impl.
* Initial commit. 48K spectrum only.
* Merge pull request #3 from TASVideos/master
* Merge pull request #2 from TASVideos/master

Download: BizHawk Git (2017/03/21)
Source: Here


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